Equipment Services

When your Reliability Test system is aging, and the manufacturer is long since out of business, your Test System service options are limited.

We can help. You have options with Rel-West. We can update your current test system with state of the art control hardware, for example, or update the fixturing to accommodate a package style not previously supported.

Another popular option is to migrate the desired features of the old tool into a new REL-Test tool designed specifically for your device testing. Building on our base system offering, we can integrate your old system “likes” and add your “wants” to arrive at a platform offering to satisfy all of your requirements.

While we are not a provider of “Turn-Key” Systems, we can help with the integration which will deliver a “Test Ready” tool to your floor. We can recommend current sources, design a switching matrix and help with software development and integration. We can do all of this and provide full-service support.

Give us a call or send us an email, we would be happy to discuss your specific requirements.